Wednesday 24 June 2015

The Big Apple Intro

New York is the American apple that shows everything American at its best. The city is expensive for a traveller on a budget so a city pass is the best option to use in the city. The skyline is full of landmarks and once you are done with them you can begin to discover its people, their personalities that match the city so well. There are events always happening here so its not hard to meet somebody who is not yet famous but is making a mark on the scene and you get to know him first hand!

Neighbourhoods of New York are there own versions of the city. The ones close to the river are more interesting and lively. Closer to the city centre its mostly busy and business like. Corporate travel is big here so the tourist on a budget is at a loss but there are ways to manage this and searching online for deals and free or discounted offers can really help. There are mobile apps about the city that can help with many things like accommodation and getting around and even place to eat and so on the list is endless.

Most tourists turn up in summer so the prices are higher. If you can manage then plan your visit sometime later than the peak season and you will face less crowds and your budget will buy you more.

The Broadway is a must see as there is always a show and its a treat for the travellers who are traveling to New York for the first time.

Bon Visite !

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